About Me


1993: Diploma in Systems Engineering, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
1995:MSc in Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis, Oxford, UK
2001: DPhil (PhD) in Applied Mathematics, Oxford, UK


2001-2003: Research Fellow at Harvard Medical School
2003-2004: Postdoc at Mathematical Institute, Oxford
2004-2013:Royal Society URF and lecturer first in Oxford and then in Southampton
2014-2022:ERC Consolidator Grant/Fellowship in Southampton
2013-now: Professor of Biological and Environmental Modelling, Southampton
2019-now: Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship

Picture of Tiina Roose

I hold a Chair of Biological and Environmental Modelling at the School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences (FEPS) in the University of Southampton. I am also currently Deputy Head of School for Research for the School of Engineering.
I am also member of the Institute of Life Sciences (IFLS) which coordinates cross faculty life science initiatives within the University of Southampton and one of the coordinators of Crop Systems Engineering in IFLS.
My Researcher ID is A-6352-2010

My Work

First and foremost I am a scientist. I use a combination of mathematical modelling and experiments to address the scientific questions I am interested in.
In particular I am interested in understanding how biological branching structures, such as plant roots, blood and lymph vessels and lung, develop and function.
As an academic mentor and supervisor I pride myself in taking an active interest in my student’s and postdoc’s careers and help them get the best out of their work by actively encouraging and helping them to publish and communicate their work to wide academic audiences.