Current PhD Students

  1. Pengrui Cai (2020-now): Plant microbiome and P uptake interaction. Joint with Marc Dumont in School of Biology.
  2. PhD student, name witheld (2023-now): Mathematical modelling of multiphase function of soil. Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship funded PhD studentship.
  3. Geoffrey Liddell (2025-now): Phytoacustics: sounds plants and soil make. Joint with Michal Kalkowski from ISVR. Royal Society Wolfson Fellowship PhD studentship.

Past Graduate Students


  1. Nancy Walker (2019-2024): Mathematical modelling of Xylella. NERC Inspire funded PhD studentship. Now following her dream of working in Brazil.
  2. Daniel MacKay (2015-2020): mathematical modeling of plant-soil interaction. Now academic at Scottish Agricultural College
  3. Stephanie Robinson (2015-2020): imaging and modeling of lung lymphatics. Now scientists at Biomedical Imaging Unit at the University of Southampton.
  4. Callum Scotson (2016-2020): X-ray imaging of plant-soil interaction. Now agronomist with NIAB.
  5. Simon Duncan (2014-2018): modelling ridge and furrow cultivation. Now actuary in Norway.
  6. Ken Wertheim (2014-2017): mathematical modelling of lymphatic development. Now lecturer at the University of Hull
  7. Berit Plumhoff (2013-2016): modelling microvascular flows. Joint with Profs Philipp Schneider, Ian Sinclair and Geraldine Clough, now working at the Germany Synchrotron as a postdoc.
  8. Laura Cooper (2012-2015): Lymphatic fluid flows. Joint with Profs Bharath Ganapathrisubramani and Geraldine Clough, now BBSRC SARISA funded postdoc in the group.
  9. James Heppell (2010-2014): Complexity science DTC student working on optimising biological branching structures with particular emphasis on plant P uptake. Joint with Prof Joerg Fliege from Operations Research. Now working at Cyprotex.
  10. Charles Heppell (2009-2014): working on lymphatic modelling. Joint with Dr Giles Richardson. Now modeller at Health Protection Agency at Porton Down.
  11. Gwen Palmer (2009-2013, Soton): modelling of knee pain. Then postdoc in the group, from Oct 2014 at Frazer-Nash in Bristol.
  12. Sam Keyes (2009-2013, Soton): Imaging and image based modelling of plant roots. Now patent lawyer.
  13. James MacLaurin (2007-2011, Oxford): Tumour tissue mechanics. Now an Assitant Professor at New Jersey Institute of Technology
  14. Chris Catt (2007-2010, Southampton): working on tumour metabolism and tissue engineering. Joint with Prof Colin Please. Now at Rolls Royce.

MSc in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Oxford

  1. Philip Hyde, “An Experimental and Mathematical Modelling Study of Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery to Solid Tumours”, 2003-2004.
  2. Andrea Schnepf, “Mathematical Modelling of Mychorrhizae”, 2004-2005.
  3. Oliver Clary, “Modelling Outbreak of Epirrita Autumnata in Finland”, 2004-2005. Joint with Dr. A. C. Fowler.
  4. Guojin Lin, Michaelmas and Hilary terms of academic year 2005/2006.
  5. Adriana T. Setchi, “Mathematical modeling of lung mucus clearance during manual physiotherapy”, 2006-2007.

Undergraduate Projects (3rd and 4th year)

  1. Jennifer Bond, “Multiscale modelling of cancer growth”, 2004-2005. Joint with Professor Philip K. Maini.
  2. Payal Shah, “Modelling Tumour Microenvironment”, 2007-2008.
  3. Payal Shah, “Modelling Tumour Cryotherapy”, 2008-2009. Joint with Dr. Rebecca Shipley.

Summer Interns

  1. Ekin Iceleme working on soil buckling at School of Engineering Sciences. Joint with Joel Smethurst from Civil Engineering.
  2. Thuy-Anh Nguyen from University of Virginia Medical School working at Harvard Medical School. Project received an American College of Physicians Medical Student Research Award in 2003.
  3. Ashley Brooks from Balliol College, Oxford to work on “Integrated mathematical and experimental study of tumour and endothelial cell migration”, Nuffield Foundation summer internship 2005.
  4. Rebecca Shipley from St Hugh’s College, Oxford to work on “Lung Mucus Clearance”, Royal Society Summer Studentship, 2005.